4th Birthday Photo Session

4th Birthday Photo Session

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Progress Continues!

Andi had other good day today.  Andi got her central line out, and her pacing wires.  All that is left from the heart surgery is an oxygen tube in her nose, which has been turned down to almost nothing.  The telemetry monitors might come off tomorrow.  Hopefully we can get rid of the oxygen too.  She's also up to 60ml/per hour through her G-Tube, and being fed every three hours.  This is HUGE, as we were doing slow, continous feeds for so long to keep her from refluxing and potentially aspirating her lungs.  So, she will learn what it's like to not only have a full tummy, but learn what it's like to be hungry.  Hunger will certainly help her learn how to bottle.

She's doing really well.  I just hope this trend continues.


  1. This is all GREAT!! So much progress!! So glad to hear it!! :-P

  2. I am so happy she continues to do better each day, what a gift it will be when you can take her home
