*sing along*
"Bean-No, Bean-No VY-Agra
Bean-No, Bean-No VY-Agra!"
Yes, indeed. The Bean is now on a drug that is essentially Viagra. It's too funny, yet, not funny at all. Yesterday afternoon, the Bean did not have a great time. Essentially, they were starting to push her, and in true Bean form, she said, 'nuh-uh, o' no you didn't!' like my brothers new friends from the Wendy's down the street, (personal joke that I can't explain!). She fought back and so they decided, it was time to slow things down. So, the Bean's lungs weren't ready to be off the Nitric Oxide, which is respiratory stuff that combines with the O2 - to help her lungs. Today, they introduced the Viagra stuff that medically helps with the pulmonary arteries & vessels in the lungs, and as they increase that, they will wean her off the NO. They started a new potassium-sparing diuretic to help her pee off excess fluid. She's still pretty puffy, but her kidneys have awoken and her urine output is good. They think that once she gets more of this fluid off of her, her lungs will have an easier time. She's still in Heart Block level 1, which means that her upper chamber is talking to her lower chamber, but the signal is a bit slow. Therefore, her heart is being paced, just a little bit. It is thought that as her heart continues to heal, that connection will speed up. We have to keep in mind that her body has been through a severe traumatic surgery, and it will take awhile for her to get back up and running, especially since her lungs weren't 100% going into this surgery. So, we have to take time with our Bean. She's going to dictate the speed at which things happen. And yesterday, she told them to slow it on down.
Tomorrow they will remove the other tube that is up inside her heart. From there, they will remove some of the drainage tubes that they aren't really using right now. However, that heart tube has to come out first, so they can monitor bleeding through the drainage tubes. Sorry if this is a bit too graphic. They are also going to wean her off the paralytic medicine, but still keep her sedated. Her body feels cold to the touch, but I think that's because of all the med's and such. Her temperature is normal. Lastly, she still has a central line, an ART line, an IV, and another line going into her groin. Some lines are for blood draws, some distribute the doping drugs, it's just amazing how many things she is plugged into right now. I just hope that she continues to get stronger, and fight her way back from this horrid experience. As her auntie calls her, she is a warrior princess, strong & beautiful. She will succeed. I just hope she doesn't have an erection lasting longer than four hours.
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