As I scramble to get us settled back into our daily life, I can't help but pause a moment to reflect on our greatest gift. I apologize for not making time to write a simple Thank You! card. I still owe a friend one of those from last March... eventually, I will get that done! In any case, our greatest gift is having the gift that is Ginga. She is by far the best step-Mom ever! Thank you Ginga for all you do. From taking care of Mr. B. to handling Andi with perfection -- jumping in and just doing! You are someone I aspire to be more like -- with your ability to bring out the best in everyone around you. You are an amazing person and we all agree that you're the greatest gift to happen to us in a really, really long time.
Andi just blew you a kiss!
We love you~
4th Birthday Photo Session

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Bean-filled Christmas
Andi has had a wonderful, puke-free (so far) Christmas! She was given a gorgeous new dress by Uncle Carrol & Aunt Lynda. After her nap, we got her dressed up and we're supposed to be going to 'Tacky Town' soon. Montgomery's block of Christmas trees lights! Here's Andi snapping her diva-like demands:
The other night, we went to Steve & Samye's for dinner where Andi met a new friend, Molly. Andi loved Molly!

The other night, we went to Steve & Samye's for dinner where Andi met a new friend, Molly. Andi loved Molly!

...and Molly loved Andi!
She is still fighting the cold. She's been kind enough to share it with the rest of us! It's a doozy of a cold too. Want it? You can certainly have mine!!!
Yesterday, the boys and I went out and played a round of golf. It was about 60 degrees and bright sunny skies. So, I actually got a bit of a sunburn. No joke.
It's been a very nice Christmas. Despite us all being under the weather, this week has flown by. It is odd that we'll soon be on a flight home and back to reality. Boo. Hiss.
So, tis the season of getting together with friends and family, being together and being thankful. Our hearts are full, and our noses are runny. This Christmas was much more fun to watch Andi interact with gifts.
Merry Christmas everyone! ...Andi just puked!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Catching Up With A Traveling Bean...
Before we left for Alabama, I dropped Andi's crib and went downstairs to get the load of laundry. I came back upstairs and peaked in on Andi. Shocked by what I found, I dropped the basket and grabbed the camera. This is what I found:
We've made some changes to her formula and started out gradual. Going from 30 cal. Peptamen Jr. to a mixture with Peptamen Jr. 1.5 to make it higher calorie. It started out okay, but as the recipe got a little heavier, her body started to rebel. The 1.5 makes her gassier, and she has responded by barfing. I've had to result to going back to a mild mixture of the two, adding a ton of water, and venting the air out of her tummy.
We flew to Alabama the other day, first class. However, our second flight, although short, only offers coach seats. Where not only are your knees pressed up against the seat in front of you, having a squirmy worm on your lap, isn't very cozy. Andi apparently didn't like coach class, and promptly threw up. Most of which I caught with my shirt. Such a treat for all!
As an extra added bonus, Andi came down with a cold. We all seem to be fighting it off now. TREAT! So, as we fill the washing machine with our Peptamen covered clothes, we're filling the garbage can with piles of Kleenex. JOY!
And just so I don't sound like such a whiner, Andi is having a great time with Ginga, Poppa B, Unkle Chris (who taught her the finger move from 'The Shining' - 'redrum!') and the countless stream of friends and family who have raced over to see her. She's soaking up all the attention with glee! As we approach Christmas, with the door wide open and the a/c on... (it's been up to 77 degrees here!), we are hoping for a happy, healthy Christmas!
We've made some changes to her formula and started out gradual. Going from 30 cal. Peptamen Jr. to a mixture with Peptamen Jr. 1.5 to make it higher calorie. It started out okay, but as the recipe got a little heavier, her body started to rebel. The 1.5 makes her gassier, and she has responded by barfing. I've had to result to going back to a mild mixture of the two, adding a ton of water, and venting the air out of her tummy.
We flew to Alabama the other day, first class. However, our second flight, although short, only offers coach seats. Where not only are your knees pressed up against the seat in front of you, having a squirmy worm on your lap, isn't very cozy. Andi apparently didn't like coach class, and promptly threw up. Most of which I caught with my shirt. Such a treat for all!
As an extra added bonus, Andi came down with a cold. We all seem to be fighting it off now. TREAT! So, as we fill the washing machine with our Peptamen covered clothes, we're filling the garbage can with piles of Kleenex. JOY!
And just so I don't sound like such a whiner, Andi is having a great time with Ginga, Poppa B, Unkle Chris (who taught her the finger move from 'The Shining' - 'redrum!') and the countless stream of friends and family who have raced over to see her. She's soaking up all the attention with glee! As we approach Christmas, with the door wide open and the a/c on... (it's been up to 77 degrees here!), we are hoping for a happy, healthy Christmas!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Soaring Heart
Maybe I should whine more often. Just when I least expect it, this kid blows me away. Last night, after a very rare date night, Daddy Bean and I retired to bed to watch a little SNL, tummies more than full. We were watching Katy Perry do her thang, and behold, startled, I look to my left and my little monkey is peering at me over the ledge of her playpen sleeper. Holding onto the railing for dear life, she's standing in her crib. Whoa! We laughed, and joined each other in a chorus of 'oh sh*t!' while still cheering on our girl. Today, she broke out a few new tricks, have us both cheering and scared to death!
First of all, Andi really wanted one of her books contained by her toy box. I was baking a ridiculous amount of cookies, Daddy Bean conjured me out of the kitchen to find this:
Later in the day, I was trying to get her to take a nap, while continuing to bake a ridiculous amount of cookies, I look in on my girl to find her peering back at me.
She got down and I watched her get back up again, repeatedly. Time and time again, she wants to get up and see what's going on outside the four walls of her crib.
I have no idea what to do when she wants to stand in this crib. I am scared to death at the mere thought.
So, a little whining on my part, and a lot of action on Andi's part to slap me back into shape. All sending my heart soaring and reigniting my resolve.
First of all, Andi really wanted one of her books contained by her toy box. I was baking a ridiculous amount of cookies, Daddy Bean conjured me out of the kitchen to find this:
Girl loves her books!
Later in the day, I was trying to get her to take a nap, while continuing to bake a ridiculous amount of cookies, I look in on my girl to find her peering back at me.
She got down and I watched her get back up again, repeatedly. Time and time again, she wants to get up and see what's going on outside the four walls of her crib.
I have no idea what to do when she wants to stand in this crib. I am scared to death at the mere thought.
So, a little whining on my part, and a lot of action on Andi's part to slap me back into shape. All sending my heart soaring and reigniting my resolve.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Venting The Heart
My mood is such that this post might be a bit of a downer. I really try to keep things positive, because, really ... we have so much to celebrate. However, some days are hard and there aren't many outlets to share those emotions. Yesterday, we met our OT at the baby play gym time at the community center down the street. The gym is full of padded mats, padded blocks, plastic toys, balls galore, plastic bikes, trampolines, it's all decked out. There were many babies there sitting, crawling, standing, walking with help. It was amazing to see what all these kids were doing, all of them much younger than Andi. Andi hasn't been around many kids, so it was a lot of fun for her to roll up over to some kids and try to touch them. She was really intrigued by the others, and was rather engaged. She insisted on being on her back, because for her, that's home base. That's where she's most comfortable. She'd try to touch their noses, or reach out to them. It was rather cute. She did really good and we had a really great workout. We tried a variety of toys and objects, and her OT thought it would be a good place to challenge and advance her, in addition to working on socializing. My thought was that because she likes to mimic so much, it would likely benefit her to see what other kids are doing, sitting, crawling, walking, as she's likely to learn quicker from watching others. But, honestly, for me, it was really hard to see how far behind she is. I know it won't always be like that, but I also don't always have my suit of armor on, to protect my heart from seeing, feeling and worrying. It's hard sometimes.
I allow myself to pause for a moment, have a good cry, and then go back to charging forward - upward and onward. In that moment, I get to let go of my hurt for her, how hard she has had it. I let go of my wonder of what I did wrong, or why she has these obstacles to overcome. I purge the anger, the sadness, the worry, frustration over puking or non-stop issues, the pent up emotions. In that moment, I have to get rid of as much of it as I can, so it allows me to be more engaged, more connected, more present in the most important thing in my life - Andi. She's come so far, but, every once in awhile I have to admit and grieve for how behind she is... I feel guilty admitting that, but, like I said, once I let it go, I can charge onward, and work to getting her stronger. Kids are resilient, adults aren't. Well, sometimes, but not always. Therefore, like venting air out of her stomach, sometimes I have to vent my heart and its pent up emotions.
I allow myself to pause for a moment, have a good cry, and then go back to charging forward - upward and onward. In that moment, I get to let go of my hurt for her, how hard she has had it. I let go of my wonder of what I did wrong, or why she has these obstacles to overcome. I purge the anger, the sadness, the worry, frustration over puking or non-stop issues, the pent up emotions. In that moment, I have to get rid of as much of it as I can, so it allows me to be more engaged, more connected, more present in the most important thing in my life - Andi. She's come so far, but, every once in awhile I have to admit and grieve for how behind she is... I feel guilty admitting that, but, like I said, once I let it go, I can charge onward, and work to getting her stronger. Kids are resilient, adults aren't. Well, sometimes, but not always. Therefore, like venting air out of her stomach, sometimes I have to vent my heart and its pent up emotions.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Holiday Cheer
So far this holiday season, we've been to the Grotto, froze at the Zoo Lights, and Santa at the Macy's downtown.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Snapping Bean
I was able to catch a bit of snapping Bean late last night.
She was pretty tired, although she felt that it was more fun to hop out of her bed a few times and roll around on the big bed. I left the room to get Maddux and when I came back, Andi had jumped out of her bed and was rolling around on mine, heading for the edge of the bed. Super scary stuff. I guess I can take all the extra bedding I have and stack her bed so she's not so deep. I really don't want to lock up my back regularly because I have to bend over her bed for long periods of time. Super big dilemma I have to figure out quickly.
There was an article on the news recently about OT's have had some success using certain applications on an Ipad, with kids with developmental delay.
Since I'm not sitting on a $500. pile of cash, I'm trying to find if the amazon fire would do the same thing for half the price. As much as Andi loves gadgets: cell phones, TV, remotes, etc., I think she'd do really well with a touch screen device. It'd be worth it if helped her advance quicker. Plus, it would be highly entertaining on the five hour plane ride she will soon enjoy.
Andi has become increasingly interested in all things eaten by others. Last night, she shared some tomato soup with me, and was so eager to have some - she was constantly trying to stand to get some more. Pretty cool. Now if I could get her to suck down some grilled cheese - she might pack on the pounds!
Lastly, Andi has gotten a bit of the dramatic going on lately. Her "all done" has now become "A-a-a-L-L-L-L-L D-D-U-U-U-U-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n!" It's pretty cute.
Monday, November 28, 2011
THANKSGIVING - 18 Months Old
Again this year, we are so very thankful. We have survived and persevered through another year of trials, tribulations, and have celebrated many successes. I think I've been too busy to really stop this Thanksgiving, and reflect on where we've been and look forward to where we're going. Now that the holiday has come and gone, it's high time I negotiate my list of things for which we are thankful.
We're thankful for the usual suspects. Family, friends, employment, a few bucks in our wallet, two reliable cars, food in our pantry, a roof over our head. However, as our readers realize, our list is much brooder than just the regular list of gratitude. First and foremost, my praise for Dr. Zallen & his team, who successfully turned a leaky g-tube from hell, into a new g-tube site that doesn't leak a drop. He probably doesn't fully realize how greatly this has improved our lives. We still appreciate and are still committed to being eternal personal slaves to Dr. Langley & team, who successfully repaired Andi's heart defects. There have been countless Dr's, nurses & undeniably important people whom have helped us fix, improve, strengthen our bean -- and for all of them, we are incredibly thankful. We have dietitians, feeding specialists, Kajsa - our OT, Mary - our audiologist, the once in awhile PT, ENTs, and the people we see more often than not -- Dr. Cohen and Shawnee. The whole office knows when Andi is coming in, she's apparently spoken of rather fondly around there! There have been so many people playing such a huge role in our lives, whether they know it or not. Even if they're just listening to me whine or unload a bit of my heavy mind, or, laughing at my stupid jokes - even if they're beyond ridiculous... I am thankful.
I'm also thankful for a few new updates! In the past four or five days, Andi has only puked once! (...and I wasn't here to witness it!) Her need for venting is rather rare. Her stomach is seeming to tolerate the new formula well. I was adding some water to it, now that I finally got to the store, I've switched that to pedialyte. She's having heavier diapers (that means a lot in Andi-speak... as it is how we've always measured hydration - whether she was on lasix or not), she's pooping more often, and she has taken her largest amount of formula for the day yesterday, 800ml. At 30 calorie formula, I just hope that keeping it all down is going to warrant a weight gain.
I'm also pleased to report that Andi is interested in food that other people are eating, and likes the social aspect of eating. We've found that if we sit down together and eat, she's more inclined to participate. She's been enjoying some mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and she even tried a few nibbles of scrambled eggs. I even have her working with a sippy cup that has some water in it. Although water is still not allowed, I am not putting juice of any kind in that cup as she tends to like to throw it on the floor. She hardly gets any out, and so, we're going for it. Mostly, she likes to hold it and chew on it, but, most importantly, is interested!
Today, I was looking for something and happened to pull out of the cabinet a wash tub that Andi took her first bath in. I couldn't help gaze down at the incredibly tiny tub and have trouble remembering how small she used to be.
When I was giving her a bath today in her bathtub in the sink, I couldn't help admire how big she is getting. Long, she's getting rather long. We're both recognizing that the baby is leaving and we're living with a little girl now. It's been rather fun to notice the transition. She's about .25" away from being at the max height for her car seat, and we're going to have to switch to a different car seat for bigger kids.
Andi has also been working on using some signs. She mostly mimics me, but I've got her signing, "more milk", "friends", and pointing to various parts of her face. She was caught Friday night pretending to snap her fingers, again, mimicking me - but still... it was pretty cool. She's also getting herself into a sort of 'sitting position' from being on her hands and knees. She's leaning forward and holding herself upright, but, she's doing it!
Again, rather thankful around here. Thankful to be done with all the hard stuff we've been through, thankful that she's improving and getting stronger, and thankful for the future where we'll certainly look back on all things we've overcome. It hasn't been easy, but, we're getting there.
We're thankful for the usual suspects. Family, friends, employment, a few bucks in our wallet, two reliable cars, food in our pantry, a roof over our head. However, as our readers realize, our list is much brooder than just the regular list of gratitude. First and foremost, my praise for Dr. Zallen & his team, who successfully turned a leaky g-tube from hell, into a new g-tube site that doesn't leak a drop. He probably doesn't fully realize how greatly this has improved our lives. We still appreciate and are still committed to being eternal personal slaves to Dr. Langley & team, who successfully repaired Andi's heart defects. There have been countless Dr's, nurses & undeniably important people whom have helped us fix, improve, strengthen our bean -- and for all of them, we are incredibly thankful. We have dietitians, feeding specialists, Kajsa - our OT, Mary - our audiologist, the once in awhile PT, ENTs, and the people we see more often than not -- Dr. Cohen and Shawnee. The whole office knows when Andi is coming in, she's apparently spoken of rather fondly around there! There have been so many people playing such a huge role in our lives, whether they know it or not. Even if they're just listening to me whine or unload a bit of my heavy mind, or, laughing at my stupid jokes - even if they're beyond ridiculous... I am thankful.
I'm also thankful for a few new updates! In the past four or five days, Andi has only puked once! (...and I wasn't here to witness it!) Her need for venting is rather rare. Her stomach is seeming to tolerate the new formula well. I was adding some water to it, now that I finally got to the store, I've switched that to pedialyte. She's having heavier diapers (that means a lot in Andi-speak... as it is how we've always measured hydration - whether she was on lasix or not), she's pooping more often, and she has taken her largest amount of formula for the day yesterday, 800ml. At 30 calorie formula, I just hope that keeping it all down is going to warrant a weight gain.
I'm also pleased to report that Andi is interested in food that other people are eating, and likes the social aspect of eating. We've found that if we sit down together and eat, she's more inclined to participate. She's been enjoying some mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and she even tried a few nibbles of scrambled eggs. I even have her working with a sippy cup that has some water in it. Although water is still not allowed, I am not putting juice of any kind in that cup as she tends to like to throw it on the floor. She hardly gets any out, and so, we're going for it. Mostly, she likes to hold it and chew on it, but, most importantly, is interested!
Today, I was looking for something and happened to pull out of the cabinet a wash tub that Andi took her first bath in. I couldn't help gaze down at the incredibly tiny tub and have trouble remembering how small she used to be.
When I was giving her a bath today in her bathtub in the sink, I couldn't help admire how big she is getting. Long, she's getting rather long. We're both recognizing that the baby is leaving and we're living with a little girl now. It's been rather fun to notice the transition. She's about .25" away from being at the max height for her car seat, and we're going to have to switch to a different car seat for bigger kids.
Andi has also been working on using some signs. She mostly mimics me, but I've got her signing, "more milk", "friends", and pointing to various parts of her face. She was caught Friday night pretending to snap her fingers, again, mimicking me - but still... it was pretty cool. She's also getting herself into a sort of 'sitting position' from being on her hands and knees. She's leaning forward and holding herself upright, but, she's doing it!
Again, rather thankful around here. Thankful to be done with all the hard stuff we've been through, thankful that she's improving and getting stronger, and thankful for the future where we'll certainly look back on all things we've overcome. It hasn't been easy, but, we're getting there.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
WANTED: Magic Potion
Today, we met with Andi's pediatrician, to review the puking situation. We got to see Andi's favorite nurse, Shawnee. We see them more than anyone, and they both are very sweet on Andi. Andi loves her, but is still unsure about her Dr. Sometimes she entertains him, and sometimes she gets super upset, cries, blows snot, spits up, swats his hands away. It's pretty funny, at times.
Anyhow, Andi lost 2 oz's since Monday. She weighed in at 16 lbs, 2 oz's today. Could be due to a lesser total amount of food she got yesterday, or it could be due to the lesser amount of calories in this different formula.
We decided to keep her on this formula, as GI will want to see that she was on it a week or two. I've started adding pedialyte to the formula to thin it a bit, and to keep her fluids up. Of course, I ran out this morning and I refuse to go to the grocery store today, which is undoubtedly a zoo. I can add some water to it for the remainder of the day. This formula is so thick, we feel that it hinders the ability to vent the air out of her stomach. Also, when she pukes it comes shooting out her mouth and nose... which increases the risk of aspiration, or inhaling the formula into her lungs. So, by thinning it a bit, we hope to keep her hydration up, and keep the consistency a little thinner.
The Dr. didn't feel that she was at risk at all, and has networked Andi with a few other people to help us figure out a game plan on how best to deal. Luckily, this means that we're going up to the hospital for a feeding clinic evaluation, where we'll be meeting with our favorite dietican Audrey -- whom also adores Andi. Not to brag, but cut me some slack, she's admitted that Andi's her favorite patient!!! Oh yeah. Anyhow, we'll be going up there at some point. Another thing that might occur is a PH study. This would be an overnight stay at the hospital where they shove a tube down her throat and measure the amount of acid that comes up over a 24 hour period. Sounds dreadful. Her Dr. thinks her reflux is causing her to puke, I still maintain that its her stomach having a lot of air - which causes pressure to build up and Andi pukes because of that. But, what do I know? What I do know is that we're going to start with a visit with Audrey and a pediatrician up there, our feeding specialist might stop by too... and then take it from there. By then, we can determine if this new formula is having any positive impact on Andi, and check her weight again to see where she is. Maybe they'll have the magic potion.
Anyhow, Andi lost 2 oz's since Monday. She weighed in at 16 lbs, 2 oz's today. Could be due to a lesser total amount of food she got yesterday, or it could be due to the lesser amount of calories in this different formula.
We decided to keep her on this formula, as GI will want to see that she was on it a week or two. I've started adding pedialyte to the formula to thin it a bit, and to keep her fluids up. Of course, I ran out this morning and I refuse to go to the grocery store today, which is undoubtedly a zoo. I can add some water to it for the remainder of the day. This formula is so thick, we feel that it hinders the ability to vent the air out of her stomach. Also, when she pukes it comes shooting out her mouth and nose... which increases the risk of aspiration, or inhaling the formula into her lungs. So, by thinning it a bit, we hope to keep her hydration up, and keep the consistency a little thinner.
The Dr. didn't feel that she was at risk at all, and has networked Andi with a few other people to help us figure out a game plan on how best to deal. Luckily, this means that we're going up to the hospital for a feeding clinic evaluation, where we'll be meeting with our favorite dietican Audrey -- whom also adores Andi. Not to brag, but cut me some slack, she's admitted that Andi's her favorite patient!!! Oh yeah. Anyhow, we'll be going up there at some point. Another thing that might occur is a PH study. This would be an overnight stay at the hospital where they shove a tube down her throat and measure the amount of acid that comes up over a 24 hour period. Sounds dreadful. Her Dr. thinks her reflux is causing her to puke, I still maintain that its her stomach having a lot of air - which causes pressure to build up and Andi pukes because of that. But, what do I know? What I do know is that we're going to start with a visit with Audrey and a pediatrician up there, our feeding specialist might stop by too... and then take it from there. By then, we can determine if this new formula is having any positive impact on Andi, and check her weight again to see where she is. Maybe they'll have the magic potion.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Baby Butterball
Although our pediatrician called and said he'd prefer to see her on Wednesday when he's back in the office, we felt that we would keep the Monday appointment with the sub Dr. When we spoke with her (sub Dr) on Friday, it was mentioned that she could go back into the hospital to figure out the puking thing. So, we felt if that was going to happen, we'd rather get her in there earlier in the week, rather than the day before Thanksgiving. In any case, we kept the appointment and Andi weighed in yesterday at 16 lbs, 4 oz's. That's what, 6 oz's in 13 days. The ideal is that she would gain 1 oz per day. So, that shows us that what we've been doing isn't working to the ideal level. She didn't feel that Andi was in danger, or dehydrated, but then again, she doesn't know Andi.
So, we're going back to see our regular Dr. on Wednesday morning, the only day of the week he's in the office. Our dietitian is also back in the office on Wed's. So maybe between the two, we can figure out what is going on. Her Dr. said on the phone that her reflux is causing issues. We've increased the prilosec to 4ml. She's still coughing during the night.
Today, I've decided to increase her feed to 155ml (5 ml is really a tiny amt) and do five boluses. That would get her to 775 ml for the day, and then we'll skip the overnight drip. It doesn't prevent the gurgling/coughing reflux. But, it keeps her from needing to be tethered to the gtube at night, which is part of the reason I don't sleep well. The coughing is the other reason.
So, may our pediatrician be struck with some genius tomorrow, or have a working magic wand to fix this problem. Can only keep hoping for improvement.
So, we're going back to see our regular Dr. on Wednesday morning, the only day of the week he's in the office. Our dietitian is also back in the office on Wed's. So maybe between the two, we can figure out what is going on. Her Dr. said on the phone that her reflux is causing issues. We've increased the prilosec to 4ml. She's still coughing during the night.
Today, I've decided to increase her feed to 155ml (5 ml is really a tiny amt) and do five boluses. That would get her to 775 ml for the day, and then we'll skip the overnight drip. It doesn't prevent the gurgling/coughing reflux. But, it keeps her from needing to be tethered to the gtube at night, which is part of the reason I don't sleep well. The coughing is the other reason.
So, may our pediatrician be struck with some genius tomorrow, or have a working magic wand to fix this problem. Can only keep hoping for improvement.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Formula Change
As I decided it was time to write the dietitian to see if there are any more tricks in the bag to get Andi's weight up, her Dad said it was high time we figure out why she's puking so much, so we can stop it. Many hands in the pot, but it has resulted in the decision to try a different formula. The pediatrician covering for our usual Dr., called up a GI Dr. up at the hospital (Doernbecher's) and that Dr. suggested changing to Peptamen Junior. It's fewer calories, but seemingly more tolerable to finicky stomachs like Andi Bean's. The formula was delivered the same day, (one of the few times in life I feel V.I.P.! anymore!) We started rocking that formula right away. I also switched her to a five bolus schedule last night, since her nap ran so late, she was up late anyway... I only put in about 20 ml at night to flush her nighttime meds. Yesterday also marked her largest daily amount of formula put in. Her stomach looks bigger today to me, but it could just be bloated by the larger amount of food going in. This new formula is 30k/cal, whereas her Neocrack cocktail was 36k/cal. So, as is, it's less calories per day, but, it's less rich too - so maybe she'll tolerate it better?! The sub. Dr. also increased her Prilosec dose from 2.5 ml to 4 ml, hoping that would help.
So far, I haven't seen much change. The girl still pukes. This morning, as I loaded her in the car to take a friend to the airport, I started her feed. She was at maybe .4 ml and she started puking. It had been easily more than six hours since she was fed last. But, she apparently had a lot of air in her stomach, so she spit up what looked like saliva. Once the air or pressure is released, she's fine. She tolerated the full feed after that. The next feed, she tolerated all of that too. The third feed, she tolerated until almost the end, then she got fussy. Fussy is usually a sign that she has pressure in her stomach, or she's simply bored sitting in her highchair and wants down. I vented and got nothing. I let her down, she was fine in Daddy's arm. Then, he hands her to me and without warning, a surprise spit up. No warning. It wasn't a lot, but it still warranted a shirt change for Andi. Then later, in bed - trying to get her down for her nap, she fussed, I was slow to get the vent, and then it came up. All over the fresh sheets I just put on the bed. Again, it wasn't a lot, but this one was thick and foamy. It'd been in her stomach awhile. I was able to vent some air out.
My only guess is that she swallows a lot of air throughout the day. It builds up and it either comes out one end or the other. It's faster for it to come up. If the pressure builds, she's gonna blow. I don't know how or if they can fix that. My guess is that her digestive system is really immature. She's never had to really digest full feeds, digest air, process anything much more than formula. Now that the leak has been sealed, it's as if her system is trying to catch-up, but it's slow.
I don't know what the cause, really, but I sure hope it stops soon. I also hope that I'm not imagining that her stomach is getting bigger. The sub. Dr. has us coming in Monday afternoon for a weigh-in and follow-up to the formula change. We'll see. So sick of saying that sometimes. What's odd is that I'd just unpacked another three cases of Neocate, 12 cans at almost $40. a can. If we do make the switch, I hope the enteral feeding place will take those back. I don't think they will after a few days, so, maybe I can get me some Christmas spending money via eBay?!? I'm TOTALLY kidding!!!!
Just for the record, I'd gladly take the puking over the old g-tube leak any day! So, let's hope this formula change is the recipe for moving on and moving upward on the scale. Change for the better would be very, very appreciated.
So far, I haven't seen much change. The girl still pukes. This morning, as I loaded her in the car to take a friend to the airport, I started her feed. She was at maybe .4 ml and she started puking. It had been easily more than six hours since she was fed last. But, she apparently had a lot of air in her stomach, so she spit up what looked like saliva. Once the air or pressure is released, she's fine. She tolerated the full feed after that. The next feed, she tolerated all of that too. The third feed, she tolerated until almost the end, then she got fussy. Fussy is usually a sign that she has pressure in her stomach, or she's simply bored sitting in her highchair and wants down. I vented and got nothing. I let her down, she was fine in Daddy's arm. Then, he hands her to me and without warning, a surprise spit up. No warning. It wasn't a lot, but it still warranted a shirt change for Andi. Then later, in bed - trying to get her down for her nap, she fussed, I was slow to get the vent, and then it came up. All over the fresh sheets I just put on the bed. Again, it wasn't a lot, but this one was thick and foamy. It'd been in her stomach awhile. I was able to vent some air out.
My only guess is that she swallows a lot of air throughout the day. It builds up and it either comes out one end or the other. It's faster for it to come up. If the pressure builds, she's gonna blow. I don't know how or if they can fix that. My guess is that her digestive system is really immature. She's never had to really digest full feeds, digest air, process anything much more than formula. Now that the leak has been sealed, it's as if her system is trying to catch-up, but it's slow.
I don't know what the cause, really, but I sure hope it stops soon. I also hope that I'm not imagining that her stomach is getting bigger. The sub. Dr. has us coming in Monday afternoon for a weigh-in and follow-up to the formula change. We'll see. So sick of saying that sometimes. What's odd is that I'd just unpacked another three cases of Neocate, 12 cans at almost $40. a can. If we do make the switch, I hope the enteral feeding place will take those back. I don't think they will after a few days, so, maybe I can get me some Christmas spending money via eBay?!? I'm TOTALLY kidding!!!!
Just for the record, I'd gladly take the puking over the old g-tube leak any day! So, let's hope this formula change is the recipe for moving on and moving upward on the scale. Change for the better would be very, very appreciated.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Feeling Better ... sorta
Things are starting to settle from cold #572. Andi has been coughing at night, and that makes for really restful sleep for me, ...NOT! Between having to check on her, to calming Maddux who gets extremely nervous when she coughs, Momma Bean is a bit overtired. Oh well. Last week, as we laid in bed to watch TV, Andi was rolling around in her bed adjacent to mine. She sleeps in a playpen sleeper. It started out with a newborn sleeper, now it's on the mid level bed, but it has the ability to be lowered to the playpen bottom. Here's the photo from when I first assembled:
So, now she sleeps at the "halfway" point of this, although, due to reflux, I have a stack of blankets or quilts on one end trying to elevate her head. So, again, we were watching TV in bed the other night and low and behold, miss squirmy worm decided she no longer wanted to chill in her bed alone. So, what does she do? She rolly polly's in her bed and then gets her feet out of the side of her bed and manages to pull herself out of her bed and onto ours. I didn't believe it at first, so I put her back in her bed and she got up on the elevated side, and pulled herself out again. It was funny, and super duper scary at the same time. Progress, but a set-back, still the same. The next night, I decided I needed to lower the bed to the bottom of the playpen. It is pretty low. It was especially scary because she feeds at night and has the g-tube cord in her bed with her. Normally, I just roll onto my side and she's a short reach away. If I need to vent her or clean up puke, I've been pretty close and it's been relatively easy to handle. However, on this lowest level, yikes-o-rama. Having to bend over the railing in the middle of the night and hold a vent tube for several minutes, yeowza. Despite just starting to take a yoga class, I'm not that flexible, or strong! I'm still trying to locate my ab's from pre-pregnancy days. All I did feel was a strain. That low level bed was not working for me. I don't have enough blankets or padding to throw in there to raise her up to a safe level, so either late that night or the next day, I ended up putting her bed back to where it was... despite knowing that she has figured out how to escape it. Either that same night, or more likely the next night, due to the end of my cold, I coughed in the middle of the night. "Uh-Oh", I felt my back tighten. That's not good. The next morning, by the time I got upstairs, I was crying in horrid pain, my back was completely locked up and the pain was horrific. The worst back pain I've ever felt.
That was Sunday. I was worthless. Coughing or sneezing was the worst. It would provoke a back spasm and even more tightening. It was awful. Monday wasn't much better, so I called and got myself in for a massage Monday night. OUCH! People cringed when they saw me hobble in. They checked me in without a blink, and I hobbled into the waiting area, "the tranquility room". A lady already waiting in there saw me and said, 'uh oh'... and all I could really muster was 'uh, yeah... ' The massage therapist had his work cut out for him, and he really beat me up good. He was able to get my back to unlock, but because one hip was super tight, the other side of my back was super tight. I honestly need another couple of hours of work to really get it all worked out. However, today my body hurts. It feels like I'm bruised, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was.
Because of Andi's & my cold, we haven't done much work this past week+. We haven't done the gait trainer, no oral feeds, just trying to rest and recoup. Also because of the cold, she's been puking most feeds. Because of this, today I started a new system of giving her a half of a bolus, then rest, then the other half (total = 150ml), then rest, then start a new half bolus, then rest... etc. And instead of doing four boluses and a nighttime drip, I would like to try to do five boluses for a total day of 750 ml. Her current goal as I can tell is between 750 - 800 ml a day. This way, maybe I can get to the point where she doesn't have to feed at night, and thus, reduce her reflux incidence. Although it's been handy to get more calories in slowly overnight, it's also made me chronically exhausted because I'm constantly having to wake and check on her, listen for gurgling - which indicates a need for venting, or she is about to puke. Worrying that she will roll over and wrap herself up in the cord, or worst case, pull out her g-tube. It's just a lot of worry that is impacting us, in every aspect of life.
So, now that we're feeling better, we're back to working on all things. I am a bit concerned with her lack of oral feeds since her last surgery on her nose. But, now that the snot monsters are gone, we can start really working on that too. Although, feeding some every other hour, she probably won't be hungry at all. Ugh. I guess the most important thing at this point is getting the calories in, and keeping them down. Without that, nothing else will work.
So, now she sleeps at the "halfway" point of this, although, due to reflux, I have a stack of blankets or quilts on one end trying to elevate her head. So, again, we were watching TV in bed the other night and low and behold, miss squirmy worm decided she no longer wanted to chill in her bed alone. So, what does she do? She rolly polly's in her bed and then gets her feet out of the side of her bed and manages to pull herself out of her bed and onto ours. I didn't believe it at first, so I put her back in her bed and she got up on the elevated side, and pulled herself out again. It was funny, and super duper scary at the same time. Progress, but a set-back, still the same. The next night, I decided I needed to lower the bed to the bottom of the playpen. It is pretty low. It was especially scary because she feeds at night and has the g-tube cord in her bed with her. Normally, I just roll onto my side and she's a short reach away. If I need to vent her or clean up puke, I've been pretty close and it's been relatively easy to handle. However, on this lowest level, yikes-o-rama. Having to bend over the railing in the middle of the night and hold a vent tube for several minutes, yeowza. Despite just starting to take a yoga class, I'm not that flexible, or strong! I'm still trying to locate my ab's from pre-pregnancy days. All I did feel was a strain. That low level bed was not working for me. I don't have enough blankets or padding to throw in there to raise her up to a safe level, so either late that night or the next day, I ended up putting her bed back to where it was... despite knowing that she has figured out how to escape it. Either that same night, or more likely the next night, due to the end of my cold, I coughed in the middle of the night. "Uh-Oh", I felt my back tighten. That's not good. The next morning, by the time I got upstairs, I was crying in horrid pain, my back was completely locked up and the pain was horrific. The worst back pain I've ever felt.
That was Sunday. I was worthless. Coughing or sneezing was the worst. It would provoke a back spasm and even more tightening. It was awful. Monday wasn't much better, so I called and got myself in for a massage Monday night. OUCH! People cringed when they saw me hobble in. They checked me in without a blink, and I hobbled into the waiting area, "the tranquility room". A lady already waiting in there saw me and said, 'uh oh'... and all I could really muster was 'uh, yeah... ' The massage therapist had his work cut out for him, and he really beat me up good. He was able to get my back to unlock, but because one hip was super tight, the other side of my back was super tight. I honestly need another couple of hours of work to really get it all worked out. However, today my body hurts. It feels like I'm bruised, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was.
Because of Andi's & my cold, we haven't done much work this past week+. We haven't done the gait trainer, no oral feeds, just trying to rest and recoup. Also because of the cold, she's been puking most feeds. Because of this, today I started a new system of giving her a half of a bolus, then rest, then the other half (total = 150ml), then rest, then start a new half bolus, then rest... etc. And instead of doing four boluses and a nighttime drip, I would like to try to do five boluses for a total day of 750 ml. Her current goal as I can tell is between 750 - 800 ml a day. This way, maybe I can get to the point where she doesn't have to feed at night, and thus, reduce her reflux incidence. Although it's been handy to get more calories in slowly overnight, it's also made me chronically exhausted because I'm constantly having to wake and check on her, listen for gurgling - which indicates a need for venting, or she is about to puke. Worrying that she will roll over and wrap herself up in the cord, or worst case, pull out her g-tube. It's just a lot of worry that is impacting us, in every aspect of life.
So, now that we're feeling better, we're back to working on all things. I am a bit concerned with her lack of oral feeds since her last surgery on her nose. But, now that the snot monsters are gone, we can start really working on that too. Although, feeding some every other hour, she probably won't be hungry at all. Ugh. I guess the most important thing at this point is getting the calories in, and keeping them down. Without that, nothing else will work.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Plugging Along
Andi got her longer G-Tube placed yesterday, as her stomach has grown outward a bit. She was weighed and came in at 15 lbs, 14.2 oz's - which is an increase from the 15 2.3 or such two weeks prior. So, we're making progress, albeit slower than I'd hope. Again, now that it's November, in the course of the past 11 months, Andi has put on 3.5 lbs. 3.5 lbs in 11 months. Fathom that. I can go out to dinner and put on 3.5 pounds in one meal. I think she measured a skoosh longer, but that measurement has been so up and down, unreliable. I find that super annoying.
In any case, Andi has seemingly come down with a cold again, or the last one is visiting again. She's coughing and has a runny nose. I know people around town are also suffering long term ick, but, I wonder at what point will this get better. I'm to wash hands, use hand sanitizer, but for someone who sticks their hands in their mouth often, what am I to use on her hands?! Obviously, that might be the area to work on sanitizing. This chronic cold bit is getting rather old, especially when I hear a kiddo slightly older than Andi down in my hometown is just now experiencing his first cold. I can't help but slap my own forehead and wonder what the hell we're doing wrong. We're on cold #9 or such, and that's not an exaggeration.
The Kaiser dietitian wants me to increase her daytime boluses. I'm working on it, but it's been tough. She's puking about once a day. Today, that happened in her crib. So, in addition to washing her outfit, I get to wash her sheets today. Yippie.
What I haven't admitted here, is that Andi has seemingly made attempts at crawling. I haven't yet seen it, so I haven't written about it. She is definitely excited about standing and crawling position when she wants to. She will roll over, get into crawling position, hold it, then lower herself, roll over, and then get back up in crawling position. It's pretty entertaining. I haven't seen real movement, but I'm watching for it. She seems strong on some days, other days, she seems rather wobbly.
I have found a warm water pool to take Andi to for open swim. They have two nights a week, for one hour that I can take her. I haven't been able to take her yet, but her OT believes that this will help her immensely. Now that she's snot-nosed again, I have to wait again until next week. Ugh.
In the meantime, we'll keep plugging along.
In any case, Andi has seemingly come down with a cold again, or the last one is visiting again. She's coughing and has a runny nose. I know people around town are also suffering long term ick, but, I wonder at what point will this get better. I'm to wash hands, use hand sanitizer, but for someone who sticks their hands in their mouth often, what am I to use on her hands?! Obviously, that might be the area to work on sanitizing. This chronic cold bit is getting rather old, especially when I hear a kiddo slightly older than Andi down in my hometown is just now experiencing his first cold. I can't help but slap my own forehead and wonder what the hell we're doing wrong. We're on cold #9 or such, and that's not an exaggeration.
The Kaiser dietitian wants me to increase her daytime boluses. I'm working on it, but it's been tough. She's puking about once a day. Today, that happened in her crib. So, in addition to washing her outfit, I get to wash her sheets today. Yippie.
What I haven't admitted here, is that Andi has seemingly made attempts at crawling. I haven't yet seen it, so I haven't written about it. She is definitely excited about standing and crawling position when she wants to. She will roll over, get into crawling position, hold it, then lower herself, roll over, and then get back up in crawling position. It's pretty entertaining. I haven't seen real movement, but I'm watching for it. She seems strong on some days, other days, she seems rather wobbly.
I have found a warm water pool to take Andi to for open swim. They have two nights a week, for one hour that I can take her. I haven't been able to take her yet, but her OT believes that this will help her immensely. Now that she's snot-nosed again, I have to wait again until next week. Ugh.
In the meantime, we'll keep plugging along.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
HAPPY Halloween!
Although I was wiped-out before we even began, our lil' ladybug trick or treated three houses. Before we started, our neighbors came to our door and brought Andi a pumpkin bucket of goodies. There was a Halloween book, a big ol' talking stuffed turtle, and a stuffed Muno - from Yo Gabba Gabba. Apparently, they've walked by and heard that we were watching the show, so the kids decided to give Andi their old toy. Pretty dang thoughtful people.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Standing Bean!
Andi surprised us last night, by showing us how ready she is to take on the world.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Andi Turns 17 Months!
Friday, Andi turned 17 months old. I'm sure I told her that and she probably responded by puking. 17 Months, I can't believe it! Andi's doesn't appear to be packing on pounds, but, she does seem to be progressing in strength and skills. Andi's now doing what her Dad calls, 'Big Crawl!' which is get onto all fours and hold herself upright. She's also doing some serious tummy time in which she gets up on her elbows and looks around and up, from the view of being on her tummy. It's been amazing to watch these changes. I'm trying to capture photos, but, haven't got a really great representation just yet. In her 'exersaucer' she spinning herself around and standing upright for longer periods of time. She's definitely getting stronger.
Our 'organic' pumpkin that we got at the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago, decided to start decomposing on our front porch. Needless to say, we have to go pick-up another one before Halloween! Anxious to dress Andi in her super cute costume. Although we don't really know our neighbors well, we're looking forward to toting Andi to a few nearby houses in her costume to show her off a bit. They all seem to know she's had a rough start, so, it will be nice to show her doing better than when most of them have really seen her last.
Here's some photos from the big ol' 17 month old. Hopefully, by now, she weighs 17 lbs. I can't tell, other than she seems stronger and longer.
Our 'organic' pumpkin that we got at the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago, decided to start decomposing on our front porch. Needless to say, we have to go pick-up another one before Halloween! Anxious to dress Andi in her super cute costume. Although we don't really know our neighbors well, we're looking forward to toting Andi to a few nearby houses in her costume to show her off a bit. They all seem to know she's had a rough start, so, it will be nice to show her doing better than when most of them have really seen her last.
Here's some photos from the big ol' 17 month old. Hopefully, by now, she weighs 17 lbs. I can't tell, other than she seems stronger and longer.
"Big Crawl" position |
Pretty Andi! |
Tummy Time! |
"H.I.!" |
Smiling For The Camera! |
No Hands! |
Exersaucer! |
"oooohhhhhh...!" |
Trying to call Ginga! |
Dancing With Daddy! |
Trying to steal Daddy's slippers! |
"Hi Maddux!" |
Madderbean! |
"oh, s-m-i-l-e!" |
FALL 2011 |
"Momma, I'm tired. Can I get out now?!" |
"I don't have moves like Jagger, I've got Freddy Mercury moves!" |
Big Crawl position! |
'huh? what? uhm, I'm busy!' |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Bean Gets A Flu Shot
Bean & I went to pick up a refill prescription again today. While there,we decided to stop by and get our flu shots as well. Most kids, and many adults, flinch at the idea of a shot. Needles make most people run and hide. Make most kids cry and cry. Andi sat there and took it like a solider. She barely flinched, and cried for maybe five seconds. Yeah, five seconds. I said & signed 'all done!' about three times. We walked out of there and Andi said all the way to the car, with gusto, 'All Done!' She is such a champion.
See, kiddos like Andi have been through SO much, that something like a shot, is nothing. I mean, really, it is nothing. I didn't even feel my shot, best shot ever actually. Although, now my arm hurts. It feels like my brother punched my arm like he did when I was 12.
I finally got through on the phone to dispute the two bills I received. Both are sending them back to be reviewed, revised. I hate that sometimes you have to be nasty to get them to hear what you are saying. I had to tell the one person that they can't bill her one anesthesia service as a professional service, that it belongs under the in-patient hospitalization, which has a cap. She apparently didn't understand what I was saying until I got firmer in tone and explained, 'look, this was her 6th surgery, 6th anesthesia service, therefore, I know how it should be billed.' That got her to shut her trap and she said she'd take care of getting it resolved. Now that's what I'm talking about!
See, kiddos like Andi have been through SO much, that something like a shot, is nothing. I mean, really, it is nothing. I didn't even feel my shot, best shot ever actually. Although, now my arm hurts. It feels like my brother punched my arm like he did when I was 12.
I finally got through on the phone to dispute the two bills I received. Both are sending them back to be reviewed, revised. I hate that sometimes you have to be nasty to get them to hear what you are saying. I had to tell the one person that they can't bill her one anesthesia service as a professional service, that it belongs under the in-patient hospitalization, which has a cap. She apparently didn't understand what I was saying until I got firmer in tone and explained, 'look, this was her 6th surgery, 6th anesthesia service, therefore, I know how it should be billed.' That got her to shut her trap and she said she'd take care of getting it resolved. Now that's what I'm talking about!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Pukey Puke
This past week came and went in a flash. Ginga was here and now she's back home. It really flew by. Sadly, I didn't make any progress on my massive "to-do" list while she was here. Seriously, it was a blink of an eye. Andi went back for a check-up with the peds surgery nurse, and our surgeon stopped in to check on her as well. Andi actually lost an ounce, but they attributed that to the leveling off of TPN weight. I was expecting her to be in the 17's, but nope, she's at 16 lbs, 2.3 ounces. Her puking seemed to be getting better, but she's since come down with a cold. Ginga and I felt that it was the cold causing the pukes. Last night, I vented a massive amount of air out of Andi's stomach, and again today. Maybe she swallows a lot of air through the day?! Either way, her stomach doesn't seem to want to process all that air, so I think it just sits there and collects until the pressure gets too much, then it forces some out with a good heave-ho. I dunno. I feel like I've been to medical school, doesn't mean I actually have. I just know that this problem existed as long as I can remember, and now that it isn't able to leak out the g-tube, it has to either get processed or pushed out one way or another. Frustrating. But, the good news is that the new site doesn't leak a drop! Nothing.
The surgery team cleared Andi for swimming. Although she has a cold, I am anxious to really get her in the water. Her OT thinks the water would be amazing for her. Therefore, tonight, I'm planning on filling the jacuzzi tub and getting the Bean in a "pool" of warm water. I won't fire on the jets, but, we'll work up to that. I imagine Andi will enjoy that aspect, once she gets used to the water. When she gets better, we're going to go with our OT to the community pool for some hydrotherapy. I think she's expecting Andi to do laps... hahahaha.. would be great for her upper body conditioning. We all know she can certainly kick those legs at hyper speeds.
Andi wants to say sorry to Ginga for getting her sick! She says 'bah, bah, bah buh - dadah, da!' Which translates, 'thanks for taking such good care of me Ginga!!!!' ;0) I'm just sorry that you got her cold! I hope you get well quick! I am still battling the cold, trying to keep from its full fledged assult on me, but I too, feel like I've been dragged behind the truck for miles on a dusty road. Perhaps that is why my massive to-do list is still a mile long. Puke.
Well, I just opened the mail to find a big fat bill from the hospital. Andi's last hospitalization, only showing one of the two surgeries, billed insurance for $52,434.57. Yikes! They show my out of pocket about three times what I'm expecting to pay, so, I'm off to call about this bill. 'Uhm, yeah, I don't think so!' Her inpatient room alone for 11 days, $22,869. That's some serious 5-star accomodations. Too bad it wasn't one of those glass bottom huts over the water in Fiji that I always dreamed of enjoying. As bad as all these bills are, I can't imagine and don't want to experience what they'd be without my insurance. Scary stuff. It makes me want to pukey puke.
The surgery team cleared Andi for swimming. Although she has a cold, I am anxious to really get her in the water. Her OT thinks the water would be amazing for her. Therefore, tonight, I'm planning on filling the jacuzzi tub and getting the Bean in a "pool" of warm water. I won't fire on the jets, but, we'll work up to that. I imagine Andi will enjoy that aspect, once she gets used to the water. When she gets better, we're going to go with our OT to the community pool for some hydrotherapy. I think she's expecting Andi to do laps... hahahaha.. would be great for her upper body conditioning. We all know she can certainly kick those legs at hyper speeds.
Andi wants to say sorry to Ginga for getting her sick! She says 'bah, bah, bah buh - dadah, da!' Which translates, 'thanks for taking such good care of me Ginga!!!!' ;0) I'm just sorry that you got her cold! I hope you get well quick! I am still battling the cold, trying to keep from its full fledged assult on me, but I too, feel like I've been dragged behind the truck for miles on a dusty road. Perhaps that is why my massive to-do list is still a mile long. Puke.
Well, I just opened the mail to find a big fat bill from the hospital. Andi's last hospitalization, only showing one of the two surgeries, billed insurance for $52,434.57. Yikes! They show my out of pocket about three times what I'm expecting to pay, so, I'm off to call about this bill. 'Uhm, yeah, I don't think so!' Her inpatient room alone for 11 days, $22,869. That's some serious 5-star accomodations. Too bad it wasn't one of those glass bottom huts over the water in Fiji that I always dreamed of enjoying. As bad as all these bills are, I can't imagine and don't want to experience what they'd be without my insurance. Scary stuff. It makes me want to pukey puke.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Walking Backward & The Pumpkin Patch
We took Andi to her first pumpkin patch this past weekend. It was a cool, sunny day... a shocker! We rode the cow train, the hay ride, and picked out our first pumpkin as a family. We got some kettle corn, which Andi had a small taste of... and after a few minutes, she puked..., so we left.
Today, I got some video of Andi in her gait trainer. She has to be pulled forward, but backward, she's got that down! Her hair looks wonky because I gave her an olive oil treatment on her scalp this morning.
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