The other night, we went to Steve & Samye's for dinner where Andi met a new friend, Molly. Andi loved Molly!

...and Molly loved Andi!
She is still fighting the cold. She's been kind enough to share it with the rest of us! It's a doozy of a cold too. Want it? You can certainly have mine!!!
Yesterday, the boys and I went out and played a round of golf. It was about 60 degrees and bright sunny skies. So, I actually got a bit of a sunburn. No joke.
It's been a very nice Christmas. Despite us all being under the weather, this week has flown by. It is odd that we'll soon be on a flight home and back to reality. Boo. Hiss.
So, tis the season of getting together with friends and family, being together and being thankful. Our hearts are full, and our noses are runny. This Christmas was much more fun to watch Andi interact with gifts.
Merry Christmas everyone! ...Andi just puked!
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