It was brought to my attention today that even though I know what day it is, I have no concept of the actual calendar, date and all things in between. I had it in my head that I had to have all the stuff at the office today for the company trip to Book Expo. My boss had to chill me out and make me aware that they weren't leaving the end of this week, but the end of next week. What's embarrassing about that is my big ol' white-board calendar on my kitchen wall that I stare at daily. ..."uhm, hello!!!" Oh well, less stress for me! Yea!
So, today, we drove out to the Columbia Regional office, whom handle Andi's hearing aid/audiology through the county Early Intervention Program. Andi broke her hearing aid on the way home from Costco the other day, and the audiologist said she would fix or replace it. Andi now is styling a purple hearing aid loaner. This is her 3rd loaner. I dread when we have to get our own, although the two insurance providers should cover it, it's replacing it that I worry about. These ladies we work with are amazing and so kind, I'm so thankful to have them taking such good care of Andi! It's tragic that programs like this are so easily targeted by budget cuts, and lack of funding. Do you hear me?
After getting the hearing aid replaced, we went to the post office because Unkie Chris is also having a birthday this week, and Andi wanted to send him something. Then we went to Dollar Tree and the grocery store to get initial birthday party supplies. We had some fun, although the brand new Dollar Tree near us is out of helium. That's a problem, as they do not know when they will be getting more. We need to pick up our balloons closer to the party... but where?! Dollar Tree is a one-time of the year excursion, for items like this. I really don't want to go further into the poor house for something so lame as helium balloons. But, Andi really like to play with the balloons - and her OT would state that getting her to raise her arms over her head to play with them would benefit her core and upper body strength. Therefore, we will hunt affordable helium balloons, near and far. HA!
With Daddy Bean gone out of town on yet another work trip, I would hope to get a lot of things done. So far, I feel like a giant sack of potatoes (which I forgot to pick up at the store, by-the-way!) and foresee a very early bedtime for us. I just hope this kid goes to sleep at a reasonable hour. Lately, she likes to stand in her playpen sleeper and pound on my bed, as if to say, 'uhm, hello! I'm awake!!!' Therefore, when she's awake, I strike back with humor of my own: