Perfect example to reiterate my point.
Andi just flipped over on her contour pillow, underneath the seat belt during a feed, and yanked out her g-tube. The entire thing popped out.
Daddy hadn't yet experienced that, so he reminded me of me on my first experience with it. I however, was totally calm and collected. Asked for items to help me, and when I couldn't spit it out fast enough, ordered Daddy to sit down. Spent 30 seconds saying, 'calm down.' Reminded him that we have 5-6 hours before the hole will close up, and even still, she might need a few stitches to seal her up. He settled and I went to work.
Wow. It wasn't that bad, and I can't believe how at ease I was with it. But then again, having seen it eleven or so times, ... I guess I should be a pro.
So now, I should have little fear with it. Been there. Done that.
i gave u an award over in my blog