So, in an attempt to get ready for taxes, I got a wild hair and made a spreadsheet of Andi's medical expenses from the piles of paperwork I once organized. It has colums for co-pay's, prescriptions, medical equipment and notes. I know I'm missing $1000. of the $3000. co-pay cap for last year's hospitalization, and it does not include anything we've had to pay for me, ($1200. hospitalization, and all the pregnancy appointments - every 3 weeks, and thensome.)
Wowsa, them some great Delta miles we've accrued. However, looking at this, I can't complain -- at all. It could be SO much worse. We could have been financially ruined with all the expenses. We are so grateful, so incredibly grateful. I did see that Doernbecher's does take AmEx, as I stumbled onto that invoice. I also saw a couple of billing statements showing me exactly how much her first few months of life cost... wowza. I have a $10,000. dog and a multi-million dollar baby...amazing.
Since being on Neocate, Andi has not really spit up at all. She ate some bananas and some banana/peach granola this morning too. No problems so far. I've also noticed that her super dry skin has seemingly become better. Coincidence? Hmmm... or is Alimentum just sucky-sucky?
Today, Andi got to experience some of the finer things in life, DMV and DEQ. DEQ bored her, she slept. But DMV had a lot of faces at which to stare, she even started chatting with the man who took the photo. It was a rather exciting day in Andi-land.
After her feed settles a bit longer, we're going to play in the standing activity circle o' fun. Not only is it fun to get a different perspective, and the toys are more interesting, but it's good for the cold in her lungs to get off her back. She's definitely itching to go, as she's doing a Riverdance number and chatting it up on her pillow. I think the kid has some energy to burn.
I have to admit something. I came across a holiday card last year you sent to my unit at Doernbecher-9 North. I was one of miss Andi's nurses and had to check out her blog address mentioned on the card. Since then I have been catching up on all of her happenings. It is not often us nurses get the see how out patients are once they leave the hospital, as well as the family's perspective. It has been enlightening. In light of your recent growth woes, good vibes Andi's way. As much as us nurses love our jobs we don't wish hospital time upon anyone.