4th Birthday Photo Session

4th Birthday Photo Session

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Unwelcome Visitors

Last night, upon moving us downstairs to go to sleep for the night, I spotted unwelcome visitors.  I didn't think much of it.  This morning, we awoke at 4 for the ol' outfit change.  Then, it was a cold pacie frenzy every 20 minutes, as the teething woes are back.  By 6 a.m., we were in a freak out that a cold pacie didn't quiet.  On came the lights, the overnight feed paused and disconnected, and to my horror, the unwelcome visitors spotted again.  Ants.  Oh yes, Andi's leaky g-tube and the stench of Alimentum formula, apparently appeals to ants. There's nothing I enjoy more at 6 a.m., then a good ol' housekeeping scrubbing. So, all her bedding is in the wash, again.  Everything has been wiped down, sprayed, vacuumed, and hopefully, the unwelcome visitors see the 'No Vacancy' sign we've hung.

In the meantime, Andi's got herself what's becoming a daily bath to get the leaky milk off her skin. Another outfit.  And is enjoying rolling around on the floor staring upside down at Matt Lauer & the Today Show.


  1. UGH! I hate ants! I hope your cleaning did the trick! A daily baby bath sounds like fun--as does rolling on the floor with Matt Lauer. :)

  2. FREAKIN ANTS!!!! They're gonna be the death of me; I swear! I was warned last summer that they *love* formula >:-( Good luck with that. If they're a continued problem, we've had great success with Riddex... just a thought.

  3. Cucumbers. Ants hate 'em. If you can find their entry point you can thwart them naturally.
