4th Birthday Photo Session

4th Birthday Photo Session

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Yesterday, we went to get weighed -- to check Andi's progress on the Blenderized Diet.  When the nurse saw it was us buzzing at the door, she said she'd go get Andi's favoritest nurse to weigh her.  One of the benefits of going to the Dr's office often, they know you and know you well. 

In any case, we cheered although Andi cried (fearful of the Dr's office now), as the scale showed her tipping 17 lbs, 1.5 oz's.  I think I did a big ol' happy dance too!  Progress.  On our way home, we stopped off at grocery store for some nasty flea shampoo for Maddux (uhm, ...y-e-a-h...), and some dark chocolate ice cream for Andi.  We were going to celebrate!   ...and we did!  She ate quite a bit of it, with glee!

Now, I've made two recipes using the ice cream, instead of soy milk.  You know how many calories is in just a half a cup of ice cream?  Yeah... you don't want to.  It's funny.  As I try to finally lose the last of the "baby weight" and reducing my own caloric intake, here I am obsessing about getting as many calories packed into the Bean.  It's a rather funny dynamic.  As long as we both see progress, no one will get hurt!  HA!