Next week should be interesting. We have a check-up with our pediatrician, we meet with a feeding specialist, get our first hearing-aid mold, and have an inital meet & greet with an occupational therapist we will be working with as well. Also, the hope of help is looking more promising as I have two people we're meeting with to possibly help us with the Bean. I don't know how that is going to work, as one works and one goes to school, but least it's something! I noticed yesterday that I've been walking around with four fingernails painted one-layer of red polish, with the remaining digits plain jane. It's now day three of the partial manicure, and I have no idea when I'll get those remaining fingers done. What's most odd about this scenario is how little I seem to care about it.
The Bean has since fallen asleep, and I'm wide awake thanks to my best friend these past few months, super strong coffee. Oh well, it's Friday and that means, after watching the Blazer game tonight, the Bean and I will likely make it an early night. Oh, I also just realized that I've failed to mention that the time has come for me to finally remove the 'newborn sleeper' from the Bean's pack-in-play - which is her downstairs bed. She's grown too long and too big for it. This is a huge milestone in my mind, as she used to be a tiny speck in her sleeper -- her head too small for the head-stabilizing pillow. Yes, this is a big deal. Here's a crackberry photo of the pack n' play after I assembled it. The 'newborn sleeper' is the item on the right. All we need to say to that is, 'see ya later, sucka!' ;0)

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